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Illinois Association of Property

and Evidence Managers

Promoting education and professionalism of the people who deal with property and evidence in the State of Illinois

2025 IAPEM Conference - VENDOR Registration

  • 19 Feb 2025
  • 8:00 AM
  • 21 Feb 2025
  • 5:00 PM
  • Chicago Marriott Schaumburg 50 N Martingale Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173


  • Purchase Conference Program advertising space here.

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  • Purchase Conference Program advertising space here.

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  • Purchase Conference Program advertising space here.

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  • Includes registration, display area (skirted 6-foot table, 2 chairs, power), banquet for one, breakfast and lunch for ALL 3 days, and admission to Thursday-night banquet.
    Register additional Company Representatives at $175 rate each.

Registration is closed

This registration page is for VENDORS ONLY.  Do not register here to be a conference attendee.

Come celebrate our 20th Anniversary with us as Law Enforcement and Forensic professionals from Illinois and surrounding states will be in attendance; this is the largest evidence and forensic educational conference in Illinois for 2025.

It is that time of the year again, and the preparations for the 2025 Annual IAPEM Conference are in full swing! This is our 20-year anniversary as an Association, and we look forward to celebrating with you. As a vendor, you know how important it is for your company to be seen and heard. We are hopeful you will share your company’s unique products and solutions with the members of our Association, who come from all over Illinois and surrounding states. As part of your participation in the conference, your company is eligible for certain amenities. These amenities include your vendor space, registration for one person, skirted 6-foot table with electricity, two chairs and an invitation for one to our banquet dinner February 20th ,2025.

As a conference vendor, you will also receive mention in the conference program and will have the opportunity to introduce yourself and your company to all attendees on the first day of the conference. Also included in your registration is breakfast, lunch for all three days of the conference, and a discounted hotel rate of $129.00 plus tax. Mention IAPEM’s block when making your hotel reservation. The deadline for the discounted rate is February 3rd, 2025.

Vendor set up will be the evening of Tuesday, February 18th, 2025, from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. or the morning of Wednesday, February 19th, 2025, starting at 7:00 a.m. The cost of registration is $600 and $175 for each additional person. Registration needs to be completed by January 27th, 2025.

We hope that you can join us for a prime marketing opportunity for your company! If you cannot attend the conference this year, IAPEM would appreciate your consideration in sponsoring an event or donating a raffle or a door prize. Events that have been sponsored in the past have included a vendor reception or a hospitality room. You can also place an ad in our conference program. Full Page ads are $350.00, ½ Page ads are $250.00, and ¼ Page ads are $125.00. Donors receive recognition at the conference and in the program for their generosity.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.


Click to view the Current Lists of Conference Events. (Subject to change without notice)

Click the Register button to register and pay.  Payments can be made through via website using a credit card or you can click Invoice if you wish to pay via company purchase order.



Click to make reservations at Chicago Marriott Schaumburg and receive the negotiated IAPEM room rate

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